Quality Assurance

our Quality guarantee


At epeComponents, providing authentic quality tested parts is our number one priority. Our expert procurement specialists will prevent unforeseen delays in OEM production caused by shortages,  resulting in significant cost savings recognized through continual uninterrupted production. Our technicians are continually trained in the latest detection methods and provide detailed test reports – all customizable.

Our AS9120 Quality Management System provides the foundation for reliable and consistent contracts and agreements with our clients. We are AS6081 compliant (soon to be certified), which includes a rigorous counterfeit detection process. 

  • Part number
  • Date code
  • CofC, invoices, country of origin, qty
  • Lot identification and serial numbers
  • Match OCM logos and fonts

Thoroughly inspect and document packaging

  • Package condition
  • Manufacture packing
  • ESD compliant
  • MSL compliant
  • Bar codes
  • Body of part
  • Part markings
  • Terminals
  • Mechanical dimensions and measurements vs. mfr data sheet
  • Scrape Test
  • Solvent Test

X6600/X6600B is a cost-effective general-purpose offline precision microfocus X-Ray inspection equipment. It is suitable for the inspection of various factory offline products. This AXI inspection machine has the characteristics of high magnification, multi-angle inspection, and a large-area inspection platform.

The MUST System 3 is the latest technological evolution of the original Multicore Universal Solderability Tester (MUST) that grandfathered all modern solderability test standards. It remains the unquestioned industry benchmark for solderability testing. The MUST was originally developed by collaboration through an EU “Bright Project” together with NPL, Siemens and Philips. The NPL continue to assist in development of this test method. Capable of measuring down to 0.001mN the MUST is THE most accurate and comprehensively equipped test system of its type in the world. Gen3 actively participates in standards development work with IEC, IPC, ISO, BSI and other official standards authorities to help maintain and develop solderability metrology. The MUST 3 sets the standard – it performs solderability testing in accordance with all major international standards and comprises everything necessary for all forms of solderability tests.
The JetEtch decapsulation system takes an integrated circuit encapsulated in mold compound and removes it using a user-specified chemical solution. The process of mold compound removal is called “decapsulation” and is often referred-to as “decapping,” “Jet-Etching,” and similar. The results of this process can be used in a number of ways but are most commonly seen in semiconductor failure analysis and counterfeit protection during the verification process. Without exposing the die in an integrated circuit, verifying a part’s authenticity is virtually impossible. Die exposure is also critical to the failure analysis industry, as a die in this state lends itself best to a wide number of types of tests.

High-performance lighting enables minute surface details to be observed and analyzed. Motorized lens turret enables seamless transition in magnification from 20 – 6000x.



We support the automotive industry and their specific needs. From Semiconductors to LCD’s our Commodity Managers are assessing lead time and obsolescence issues arising with manufactures such as NVIDIA, Intel, NXP, Infineon Technologies TI, Renesas, Bosch, On Semi and ST Microelectronics.


In addition to becoming AS9120B:2016 Certified, we maintain an ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System. We inspect all incoming and outgoing shipments with a rigorous EVI (external visual inspection).  We record all necessary information and images and use DOD certified test facilities when required.


Providing both Semiconductors and LCD’s to the medical industry is a large portion of epeComponents’ business. Our strict vendor screening process and tight quality control programs ensure only original factory product is being sourced for our Medical clients.

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